Rapports publiés

Vous pouvez retrouver l’ensemble des rapports publiés sur le site PIANC international (gratuits si vous êtes membre de l’AIPCN) :

Les derniers rapports publiés :

CommissionWGNom WGAnnée publication
EnviCom214Beneficial Use for Sustainable Waterborne Transport Infrastructure Projects2023
RecCom148Guidelines for Sustainable Recreational Navigation Infrastructure2023
InCom203Sustainable Inland Waterways – A Guide for Inland Waterway Managers on Social and Environmental Impacts2023
MarCom200Recommendations for the Design and Assessment of Single Point (SPM) and Multi Point Mooring (MPM) Facilities2023
PTGCC Technical Note 1 Gérer les incertitudes liées au changement climatique dans la sélection, la conception et l’évaluation des options pour des infrastructures de navigation résilientes (traduction française)2022
PTGCCTechnical Note 1Managing Climate Change Uncertainties in Selecting, Designing and Evaluating Options for Resilient Navigation Infrastructure2022
InCom210Smart Shipping on Inland Waterways2022
MarCom153BRecommendations for the Design and Assessment of Marine Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Terminals2022
MarCom235Ship Dimensions and Data for Design of Marine Infrastructure
Appendix A: Vessel Data Spreadsheet Tables
MarCom194A Framework for Early Contractor Involvement in Infrastructure Projects2022
InCom198Saltwater Intrusion Mitigation in Inland Waterways2021
InCom197Small hydro power plant in Waterways2021
MarCom208Planning for automation of container terminals2021
EnviCom195An Introduction to Applying Ecosystem Services for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure Projects2021
InCom201Framework for an inland waterway classification in south America2020
InCom179Standardisation of inland waterways – Proposal for the revision of the ECMT 1992 classification2020
InCom191Composites for Hydraulic Structures2020
InCom189Fatigue of Hydraulic Steel Structures2020
MarCom145Berthing velocity analysis of seagoing vessels over 30 000 dwt2020
EnviComTG193Resilience of the Maritime and Inland Waterborne Transport System2020
EnviCom178Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Ports and Inland Waterways2020
RecCom168Single Point Yacht Moorings2020
RecCom147Guidelines for Managing the Relationship between Recreational Navigation and Commercial Ports2020